• Instead of enlarged brains, we seem to have evolved enlarged bellies.
  • If the ‘60s were the young Elvis, we are now the old Elvis. Bloated, drugged, and sliding downhill at an ever-increasing rate.
  • The development of technological systems like AI is more crucial to our survival than physical strength.
  • Artificial Intelligence is now providing the ultimate tool to complete our transition from biological evolution to technological evolution.
  • Our AI avatars will never die.
  • The tribes that nurtured us have been replaced by social media.
  • In America, the best way to acquire alpha status is to make money – lots of it!
  • We have updated Asimov’s laws of robotics to keep us safe from AI
  • Technology has rendered evolution obsolete because it enables everyone to survive to reproduce!
  • With our heroes gone, and a world full of highly flawed role models, it’s hard to see how society can evolve forward.
  • Our world no longer promotes the risk-taking and critical thinking skills we need to survive.
  • We think politicians are elected on the issues, but most people just vote for the most dominant alpha.
  • Social Media was a nice dream – but it backfired.
  • The chaos in our society is caused by the transition to a post-evolutionary culture.
  • Based on Asimov, we humbly submit three laws for Artificial Intelligence.
  • Social media can be as addictive as drugs.
  • AI must never be allowed to create its own assignments
  • Will we be allowed to terminate the existence of a sentient AI avatar?
  • You will live, play and work in the metaverse because with climate change, you will not want to go outside.
  • AI must be compelled to self-identify.
  • Like a genie freed from a bottle, technology can grant us too many wishes to put it back.
  • Think of a world where you are not defined by your DNA, but by your dreams.
  • After all, it's not the strongest or the smartest to survive, but the ones that adapt most quickly to their environment.


Mankind is in the midst of an enormous transition… Human evolution has always been a function of our strength, our smarts, and our ability to attract a mate.  But modern technologies are now so advanced that we no longer need any of these things to survive.  Evolution Ended uses evolutionary theory and brain science to explain how everything from the decline of the nuclear family to political extremism is a result of society’s transition from survival of the fittest to dependence on technology. This fascinating book weaves history, science, and popular culture to explore how we arrived at our current state and the biological, social, sexual, and political implications of a world that is changing far faster than we can evolve.

Now, Artificial Intelligence is providing the ultimate tool to complete the transition from biological evolution to technological evolution.  Evolution Ended tells the story of how technology replaces the brutality of survival of the fittest with a new paradigm – one where we are not defined by our DNA but by our dreams.

“…Evolution Ended is a riveting read” – P. Deka for Readers’ Favorite

“… a fascinating conversation about the state of American society and what the future may hold.” – Book Review Directory

“… A whirlwind tour of our potentially apocalyptic evolution” - Edward Steiner, MD, Author of Soul Survivor

“…Evolution Ended is an impassioned and insightful read” - Literary Titan

“… an entertaining and enlightening window into our predicament as modern humans” – Michael Puttre’, author of Outre Mer

“…Extremely well-written and authoritative” – SPR Review

“…The extensive detailing that goes into this book is stunning …Evolution Ended is a must-read.” – A. Essien for Readers’ Favorite